Thursday, November 21, 2013

This coming weekend we are going late season elk hunting for roosevelt elk over by elkton oregon the biggest roosevelt we have seen this year is a 9x9 wis great mass we have multiple trail camera pictures on him in multiple different stands. the last tim we saw him he was with a huge heard of cows moving them. we also saw him with those cows 30 minutes latter at a different stand. earlier in the season we had a picture of him in velvet with an arrow in his horn but once he rubbed of the velvet he broke the arrow off. we are manly targeting this bull for multiple purposes he has a drop horn on the left side and we are trying to prevent that from happening to other bulls there are currently 8 other bulls with the same type of spread on them leading us to believe they are direct roots of this bull.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Look at what we get for dinner tonight best dinner i have had in a while!!

Elk season for muzzle loaders starts this weekend went and scouted saturday saw 200 elk at least half where bulls and was 30 yards away from 30 cows could have shot all of them 400 class bull at 60 yards!!!!